Top 10 Must-Follow Garden Blogs and Youtube Channels for Green Thumbs




Introduction to Gardening Blogs and YouTube Channels

As a passionate gardener, I’ve found that staying up-to-date with the latest trends, tips, and tricks in the world of horticulture can be a daunting task. However, the rise of gardening blogs and YouTube channels has made it easier than ever to access a wealth of knowledge and inspiration from experienced green thumbs around the world. In this article, I’ll be sharing my top 10 must-follow garden blogs and YouTube channels that have become invaluable resources for me and countless other gardeners.

Benefits of Following Garden Blogs and YouTube Channels

Engaging with garden-focused blogs and YouTube channels can provide numerous benefits for both novice and seasoned gardeners. These platforms offer a wealth of practical advice, innovative ideas, and visual inspiration to help you cultivate a thriving garden, whether you’re tending to a small urban balcony or a sprawling backyard oasis. By staying connected with these online communities, you can:

  1. Learn New Gardening Techniques: Discover innovative methods for soil preparation, plant selection, pest management, and more, directly from experienced gardeners.
  2. Stay Up-to-Date on Trends: Keep your finger on the pulse of the gardening world, exploring the latest trends in plant varieties, garden design, and sustainable practices.
  3. Find Personalized Guidance: Many bloggers and YouTube creators offer tailored advice based on your specific climate, growing conditions, and gardening goals.
  4. Connect with Like-Minded Individuals: Engage with a vibrant community of gardeners, sharing your own experiences and learning from others.
  5. Receive Ongoing Inspiration: Immerse yourself in visually stunning garden tours, DIY projects, and unique ideas to spark your creativity.

Top 10 Garden Blogs to Follow

1. The Gardenist

The Gardenist, led by the talented Rochelle Greayer, is a must-follow blog for anyone seeking practical, down-to-earth gardening advice. Rochelle’s engaging writing style and wealth of experience make her blog a go-to resource for topics ranging from plant care and garden design to sustainable landscaping.

2. Garden Betty

Garden Betty, curated by the ever-enthusiastic Linda Ly, is a vibrant blog that covers a wide range of gardening subjects. From vegetable gardening and herb cultivation to preserving the harvest and DIY projects, Linda’s informative and visually appealing content is sure to inspire.

3. A Way to Garden

Margaret Roach, the mastermind behind A Way to Garden, has been sharing her vast gardening knowledge and personal insights for over a decade. Her blog is a treasure trove of practical advice, plant profiles, and thought-provoking essays on the joy of gardening.

4. The Impatient Gardener

Erin Boyle’s The Impatient Gardener blog offers a refreshingly honest and relatable perspective on the joys and challenges of urban gardening. Her engaging writing and stunning photography will resonate with gardeners of all experience levels.

5. The Micro Gardener

The Micro Gardener, led by the passionate Ana Mafe, is a must-follow for anyone interested in small-space gardening, container cultivation, and eco-friendly practices. Her blog is a wealth of practical tips and innovative ideas for maximizing your gardening potential, no matter the size of your growing space.

6. The Horticult

The Horticult, founded by Ryan and Chantal Voiland, is a visually stunning blog that celebrates the art of gardening. From creative plant combinations to unique DIY projects, their content is sure to inspire both seasoned and aspiring gardeners.

7. Grow Beautifully

Grow Beautifully, curated by the talented Becca Badgett, is a treasure trove of gardening advice and inspiration. Becca’s focus on sustainable, organic practices and her passion for native plants make her blog a must-read for eco-conscious gardeners.

8. The Tangled Web

The Tangled Web, run by the knowledgeable Megumi Oshima, offers a unique perspective on the intersection of gardening and Japanese culture. Her blog delves into traditional techniques, plant varieties, and design principles that can enrich any garden.

9. Garden Therapy

Garden Therapy, led by the creative Stephanie Rose, is a vibrant blog that celebrates the therapeutic and creative aspects of gardening. From DIY projects to natural beauty recipes, Stephanie’s content is sure to inspire and delight.

10. The Horticultural Geek

The Horticultural Geek, curated by the passionate plantsman James Wong, is a must-follow for gardeners seeking a scientific and evidence-based approach to horticulture. James’ blog offers a refreshing blend of plant science, practical advice, and thought-provoking insights.

Top 10 YouTube Channels for Gardening Enthusiasts

1. Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening, led by the enthusiastic Kevin Espiritu, is a must-subscribe YouTube channel for gardeners of all levels. Kevin’s engaging videos cover a wide range of topics, from beginner-friendly tutorials to advanced growing techniques.

2. The Sill

The Sill, a leading online plant retailer, has a thriving YouTube channel that offers a wealth of information on indoor plant care, propagation, and design. Their visually appealing videos are a valuable resource for both new and experienced plant parents.

3. Roots and Refuge Farm

Roots and Refuge Farm, hosted by the knowledgeable Jessi Bloom, is a captivating channel that showcases the beauty and challenges of small-scale, sustainable farming. Jessi’s videos provide a glimpse into the daily life of a working farm and offer practical advice for aspiring homesteaders.

4. Gardener Scott

Gardener Scott, featuring the expertise of Scott Aker, is a fantastic channel for gardeners seeking in-depth, science-based information. Scott’s videos cover a wide range of topics, from plant propagation to pest management, with a focus on research-backed techniques.

5. The Rusted Garden

The Rusted Garden, curated by the passionate gardener Gary Pilarchik, is a treasure trove of practical advice and innovative ideas. Gary’s engaging videos cover everything from vegetable gardening and greenhouse management to tool maintenance and DIY projects.

6. Edible Acres

Edible Acres, led by the knowledgeable Ryan Puttick, is a must-follow channel for gardeners interested in permaculture, forest gardening, and other sustainable growing practices. Ryan’s videos offer a unique perspective on creating thriving, low-maintenance food forests.

7. Self Sufficient Me

Self Sufficient Me, hosted by the enthusiastic Huw Richards, is a captivating channel that showcases the joys and challenges of self-sufficient living. Huw’s videos cover a wide range of topics, from vegetable gardening and animal husbandry to preserving the harvest and off-grid living.

8. MIGardener

MIGardener, led by the knowledgeable Luke Marion, is a must-subscribe channel for gardeners seeking practical, no-nonsense advice. Luke’s videos offer a wealth of information on seed starting, organic pest control, and maximizing your garden’s productivity.

9. Gardening Australia

Gardening Australia, produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, is a comprehensive and visually stunning channel that covers a wide range of gardening topics. From regional plant guides to DIY projects and garden design, this channel is a valuable resource for gardeners around the world.

10. Homestead and Chill

Homestead and Chill, hosted by the engaging Nicole Sauce, is a captivating channel that showcases the joys and challenges of modern homesteading. Nicole’s videos offer a unique perspective on growing your own food, raising livestock, and living a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Garden Blogs and YouTube Channels

To make the most of the wealth of information available on garden blogs and YouTube channels, consider the following tips:

  1. Identify Your Gardening Goals: Reflect on your specific gardening interests and needs, whether it’s growing your own produce, creating a lush ornamental garden, or incorporating more sustainable practices. This will help you narrow down your search and find the most relevant resources.
  2. Engage with the Community: Participate in the comments section, share your own experiences, and connect with other gardeners. This can lead to valuable insights, personalized advice, and a sense of camaraderie.
  3. Experiment and Adapt: Don’t be afraid to try new techniques or ideas you’ve discovered through these platforms. Gardening is a constantly evolving practice, and what works for one gardener may not work for another. Approach your garden with an open mind and a willingness to adapt.
  4. Bookmark and Organize: Create a system to save and organize your favorite blog posts and YouTube videos, making it easy to reference them when you need them most.
  5. Diversify Your Sources: While it’s great to have a few go-to blogs and channels, try to explore a range of perspectives and approaches. This can help you gain a more well-rounded understanding of gardening and expose you to new ideas.

Additional Resources for Gardeners

In addition to the top garden blogs and YouTube channels I’ve highlighted, there are countless other valuable resources available to gardeners of all experience levels. Here are a few more that are worth exploring:

  • Gardening Forums: Online forums like GardenWeb and Reddit’s r/Gardening provide a vibrant community where you can ask questions, share your own experiences, and learn from the collective wisdom of fellow gardeners.
  • Gardening Podcasts: Podcasts like “The Joe Gardener Show” and “Epic Gardening Podcast” offer engaging, on-the-go learning opportunities for gardeners.
  • Gardening Books: From classic reference guides to inspiring memoirs, there’s a wealth of gardening-related literature that can deepen your knowledge and appreciation for the art of horticulture.
  • Local Gardening Organizations: Connecting with your local gardening club, Master Gardeners program, or horticultural society can provide access to valuable resources, workshops, and community events.


In the ever-evolving world of gardening, staying connected with the right blogs and YouTube channels can be a game-changer. The top 10 resources I’ve highlighted in this article offer a wealth of practical advice, innovative ideas, and visual inspiration to help you cultivate a thriving garden, no matter your experience level or growing conditions.By regularly engaging with these garden-focused blogs and YouTube channels, you’ll not only learn new techniques and discover the latest trends, but you’ll also join a vibrant community of passionate gardeners who share your love for the art of horticulture. So why not start exploring these must-follow resources today and take your gardening journey to new heights?

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